i like to know zac is eating a colourful fresh flavoursome meal. i also want to make sure every mouthful i get into his mouth is full of nutrients rather than him filling up on low nutrient foods. i really believe that not only is fresh organic produce better nutritionally for our children and ourselves but it also makes the dishes taste so much better. i'm sure if you compare a dish made with fresh organic produce as opposed to the produce that you find in supermarkets you would definitely taste a difference. i think it is why a lot of people can't fathom how a vegan or vegetarian diet could be tasty and satisfying, or why a lot of us need to add salt and sugar to foods, because a lot of people are used to bland vegies with the animal products being the flavoursome key ingredient. i aim to make things for him that i would like to eat myself and steer away from foods that i would not eat (like baby rice cereal or jarred baby foods - i just can't see how the nutritional content of those foods would be very high as they were probably picked, cooked and packaged a long time ago and often have to be fortified with nutrients to make them seem worthwhile).
i think having meals that are fresh colourful and flavoursome has a lot to do with zac's willingness to eat the foods i offer him. i also think that it may have something to do with him not having "white" foods offered as his first foods - like rice cereal, yoghurt, white potato mash, white soft bread. he started on banana, green smoothies , avocado, tahini and steamed vegie finger food. of course the other influencing factor would be that i was eating a plant-based diet all through pregnancy and preconception, and now when i am still breastfeeding him. additionally, Zac goes shopping with us to the farmers market and food coop and he picks vegies with me from our garden which is all part of what i think is important for introducing our children to the wonders of fresh organic produce. oh and he loves to spin the lettuce!
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